For the citizens of this world, that continue to turn a blind eye away from the gift of life, to be led by the greed of this world, those that would sacrifice your loved one to the voices of darkness leading you to death, know that the worst is yet to come. For the President of The United States, to threaten to withhold funds if children do not return to school during Covid, but yet he cancels his Jacksonville GOP convention due to Covid, truly displays what value he holds his citizens to.
Within the next 7 days more will be revealed and God’s judgment will continue around the world. Trump is not the only issue, the system for over 400 years. God Words: Jeremiah 23: 10-40, Jeremiah 51, God Bless You All
Trump Threaten Schools to Open
‘People Will Die’: Florida Educators
Trump Cancels Convention
“Creating Common Sense Conversation For Change” Overlooked Justice Trailer:
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